
Development Of Embryo After Fertilization

As the embryogenesis proceeds, the cells of the embryoblast undergo differentiation at an early stage, when the diameter is less than 2 mm and form an outer layer of cells called the ectoderm and an inner layer of cells called the endoderm.At the later stage of development the mesoderm is formed between the ectoderm and endoderm.These two layers give rise to all the tissues of the developing embryo this process is called gastrulation and the structure is called gastrula.

Meds for pregnancy digestion

The development of gastrula begins after the implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall. After implantation the endometrium undergoes enormous changes to form decidua, which is shed when the foetus is delivered. Decidua tissue consists of three layers:-
  • The part of the endometrium between the chorion and the myometrium of the uterus is called and deciduous basalis. It becomes the maternal part of placenta.
  • Decidua capsularis is the part of the endometrium between the embryo and the uterine cavity.
  • Decidua parietalis is the part of the modified endometrium that surrounds the whole pregnant uterus, except the area of placenta.
Almost 80% women experience indigestion, during the entire period of pregnancy. As the baby starts developing, the indigestion problems hike enormously. With the gradual growth of the baby, different types of hormones start secreting in different levels, and the pressure on the stomach increases as the uterus grows in size. As a direct consequence of the varying levels of hormones, indigestion results. Meds for pregnancy digestion helps soothe this problem effectively.

Duration Of The Fertile Period Of Menstrual Cycle

The spermatozoa remain alive in the female genital tract following ejaculation upto72hours, but theyattainthe ability to fertilize the secondary oocyte only after 48 hours in a female genital tract i.e. in later 24 hours.So the chance of fertilization is maximum is coitus occurs in the second and third week of menstrual cycle and it is minimum is the latter takes place in the first orfourth week of the cycle.So more precisely 12 to 18th day of menstrual cycle is called fertile period.

Pregnant digestion medicine are one of the most common medications, required to be kept handy as digestive problems increasingly occur in pregnancy. Common problems that are encountered by almost all include indigestion, hemorrhoids, heartburn, constipation, flatulence and belching. Pregnant women generally take antacids like Rolaids, Tums and Maalox to cope with heartburns’. Calcium carbonate or magnesium can be good options but magnesium is suggested to avoid during the last 3 months of pregnancy. As it is believed that magnesium can have adverse effects on the contractions during labour.

Indigestion generally comes with an uncomfortable feeling in the stomach while eating a meal or after it. A burning sensation or pain is felt in the upper portion of the stomach. Indigestion is also known as dyspepsia. Although gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD), gallbladder diseases, ulcers can also be an underlying cause of the problem. Treatment is specific depending on the cause of the symptoms. Indigestion is often accompanied with heartburn, caused due to the raised levels of acids in the oesophagus.


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