
Benefits of Elevator Door Advertising

Benefits of Elevator Door Advertising

If you are still stuck with the old method of promotion, i.e., via posts and banners then you must need to get up to date, otherwise it won’t be late when you will left way to behind than others. The new era has seen much and elevator door advertising is one of them.

Every other company nowadays go for this wonderful way of advertising without thinking. Apart from being creative, it is even cost-effective and even helps out the company to focus/target a particular geographical region that you want to. Well, this is indeed a great factor that beats banner promotion to a great extent.

Speaking further of elevator ads, lifts’ screen to do have promotional activities keep going on. This is just another form of advertisement which comes under elevator advertisement. However, the creativity when compared with the elevator door advertising is way too low than we can ever imagine. Howsoever, all ads can’t be creative and some needs to be straight forward and reach the minds of the audience as quickly as possible because they aren’t going to stay in the elevator for long. Well, elevator door advertisement is not the same and can make many of the audience wait to admire the beauty of the creative ad. The number of individuals demands on the creativity that we find on the door.

There are certain advantages rather benefits that the company owners get when they go for elevator advertisement. We have mentioned them below; don’t forget to go through them all before opting for any of the advertisement.

Benefits of Elevator Promotional Marketing Adds

1. Money: There is no doubt how this way of advertisement adds up to the income of the building having the elevator. Well, that’s the beginning of the benefits that the elevator ad brings in for a person. This side income can be really effective for many in time of financial crisis and can help them out. You may think of this to be quite small of an amount, well you must be thinking too short of it. The money charged for advertisement totally depends on the locality of the building and its distance from airport.

2. Tenants get the service: Sometimes, the elevator screen can depicts the perfect message that it want to because it is way to straight forward to reach everyone’s mind. Thus, the elevator door advertisement adds up to it. People who don’t like to interact much can avoid people using the lift screen advertisement. They can act like they are busy watching the screen.

3. Improved Creativity: the creativity that we find on posters and banners are way too old and boring to attract a huge amount of audience. Well, door advertisement is the one for the new generation to attract a massive amount of people.

In case, you need any other help regarding elevator promotional marketing adds you can contact us using the comment section. Feel free to go for it.


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